
Eat Wisconsin Fish is sponsored by Wisconsin Sea Grant at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Wisconsin Sea Grant supports scientific research, education and outreach to foster the wise use, conservation and sustainable development of Great Lakes and coastal resources.

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Arctic Char

Eat Wisconsin Fish / Fish List / Arctic Char


Safe to eat four or more meals per month.


Arctic char has roughly the same amount of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) as sockeye salmon. The taste of Arctic char falls somewhere between salmon and trout. It can be substituted easily for either in most recipes. Its texture is moderately firm but fine.

Fun Facts

Researchers at the UW-Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and industry partners have raised Arctic char in biosecure indoor recirculating systems in Wisconsin. Wisconsin farm-raised Arctic char are not raised at a commercial scale at this time. Although wild Arctic char can be harvested in the northern Arctic regions of North America, Europe and northeastern Russia, most arctic char sold in U.S. grocery stores and restaurants come from fish farms in Iceland and Norway. They are are mostly raised in tanks and raceways onshore, which discharge less pollution and are less likely to let fish and parasites escape than net pens.

Arctic char belongs to the Salmonidae family, and it is related to both salmon and trout. Its closest relatives are bull trout, lake trout and brook trout, all members of the genus Salvelinus.